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A fun word game with Mrs. Smith!
Opening Message
A Time for Rest in the BDS Garden
Kathy Jo Solomon, Visual Arts Teacher and Sustainability Coordinator
Post Date: November 12, 2021
We’ve reached that point in the fall where the colorful patterns around us begin to dull, and hints of winter start to appear. For our natural surroundings, there’s some rest ahead. For us, however, there’s still more work to be done!
This Sunday, we have our final garden workday for the fall–an annual gathering to put the garden “to bed” for the winter. In what is, to me, a joyous shared ritual, we will cover the beds with hay and put down additional mulch on the paths. We will also weed, rake, clear, and prep the beds to protect them from the worst of the winter weather. It’s time to take care of the garden and let it rest to regenerate healthy soil for spring planting and growing.
It has been another bountiful year for the BDS garden. We have had many great learning experiences with our young gardeners, from summer campers to our middle school club, from pre-kindergartners picking potatoes to second graders harvesting marigolds.
Our pre-k class triumphantly pulled over 75 pounds of potatoes from the garden last month. The digging was messy and fun, and the students and their teachers extended the garden learning back to the classroom. The pre-k students read a book about potatoes, conducted a taste test between mashed and roasted potatoes, and predicted the inside color of the blue, red, and brown-skinned potatoes. They also harvested one of the largest potatoes ever grown at BDS!
Our bees are also now settling down for the winter; we fed them a sugar syrup earlier in the fall to keep their nutrients up as the weather turns colder. The bees will cluster in their hive, and their primary job all winter is to keep the queen warm.
Central to the mission of the garden program is the lesson of service and helping those around us who are in need. Each growing season, we donate much of what is grown in our garden to FoodLink, a food bank that distributes locally grown food to community-based organizations. From our little plot and our community’s efforts, we contributed over 200 pounds of healthy vegetables.
What is not donated helps nourish this community. Our creative kitchen team uses all sorts of vegetables and fruit from the garden to fuel our bodies and minds. Tomatoes, beans, herbs, peppers, cucumbers, squash, and lettuce, to name a few, become some of our community’s most beloved dishes—think pesto and roasted squash soup.
And finally, our compost continues to cook away thanks to the work of many. Contributions from all classrooms and the kitchen are now going to Black Earth Compost and we can compost much more through this vital partnership. Our food waste goes to Black Earth and in turn, we will receive compost in the spring to enhance our soil’s fertility. This cycle of growing, eating, and composting is a vital part of our garden’s ongoing success.
I can’t wait for this Sunday and the opportunity to share again in caring for the garden with students, families, and fellow faculty. We’ll earn a little rest ourselves and rejoice in looking ahead to seeing the garden come alive again in the spring.
Upcoming Events
November 12 to November 26
All School
Online Book Fair: Friday, November 12 to Friday, November 19
Sunday, November 14
10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., Garden Workday, Belmont Day School
Monday, November 15
5:30–6:30 p.m., Parent Forum, Zoom Gathering
6:30–7:30 p.m., Grade 8 Parent Forum, Zoom Gathering
7:30–8:30 p.m., Parent Forum, Zoom Gathering
Tuesday, November 16
3:15 p.m., Coaches Vs. Students Soccer Game, Far Field
6:30–8:30 p.m., Development Committee, Zoom Meeting
Wednesday, November 17
8:15 a.m., Friendraiser Walk & Talk: Special Guest Edition, Belmont Day School
Thursday, November 18
Fall Athletics Season Ends
10:45–11:45 a.m., Author Visit: Elaine Vickers, Zoom Gathering
7–8:30 p.m., State of the School, Palandjian Arts Center and Zoom Gathering
Friday, November 19
8:50–9:35 a.m., Sports Highlights Assembly, Belmont Day School
1–6 p.m., Book Fair: In-store Event at Belmont Books, 79 Leonard St., Belmont
Saturday, November 20
10–11:30 a.m., Admissions Middle School Open House, Zoom Gathering
Tuesday, November 23
After School & Extended Day Trimester 1 Ends
11:00 a.m.–12:15 p.m., Thanksgiving Assembly, Belmont Day School
12:30 p.m., School Closes for Thanksgiving Break
School Closed for Thanksgiving Break: Wednesday, November 24 to Friday, November 26
For all Zoom meetings, gatherings, and presentations, please refer to the Parent and Faculty Portals for links and passwords
State of the School 2021-22
Thursday, November 18
7 to 8:30 p.m.
Join us for Head of School Brendan Largay’s annual presentation about strategic initiatives for the school’s future. This event will be held on campus and will also be live-streamed on Zoom.
As a reminder, in order to attend an in-person event on campus, parents must provide proof of vaccination or a negative PCR test within 72-hours.
Fall Garden Workday: This Sunday!
It’s not too late to join in for the garden workday this Sunday, November 14, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Parents with their lower school children are invited and middle school students are invited to come with a parent or on their own. Please contact Kathy Jo Solomon with questions or if you plan to attend.
Parent Learning Forum: Singapore Math
Tuesday, November 30, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
All lower school parents are invited to learn more about Singapore Math, the basis of our lower school’s math curriculum, during a presentation by math consultant Kevin Mahoney.
This will be an online presentation via Zoom. Link will be available on the Parent Portal.
Lunch & Snack Menu
November 15 to November 19
Snack: apples; pretzels
Lunch: cheese ravioli with marinara on the side; pasta with marinara on the side; Sunbutter and jelly sandwiches; crusty rolls; Romano cheese; butter; apple slices; milk and water
Snack: bananas; granola bars
Lunch: black bean soup; ham and Swiss panini; cheese panini; corn; Sunbutter and jelly sandwiches; sliced mandarins; milk and water
Snack: clementines; Simply cheese puffs
Lunch: turkey dinner; roasted tofu; herb roasted potatoes; green beans; cranberry sauce; Sunbutter and jelly sandwiches; fresh fruit cup; milk and water
Snack: bananas; BBQ Lay’s chips
Lunch: coconut crusted redfish; grilled chicken; roasted Mediterranean veggies; chips; tartar sauce; ketchup; Sunbutter and jelly sandwiches; applesauce; milk and water
Snack: dried cranberries; Lay’s potato chips
Faculty Lunch
BDS News
Summer Camp 2022 Calendar Set
While next summer may seem far away at the moment, we’re happy to announce that dates for camp sessions have been set for 2022! And mark your calendars: registration for summer camp will open on Thursday, January 6.
Summer Camp General Sessions 2022:
- Pre Camp: June 20-24
- A1: June 27-July 1
- A2: July 5-8 (no camp on July 4th)
- B: July 11-22
- C: July 25-August 5
- D: August 8-19
- Post Camp: August 22-26
Our Swim & Tennis Association will run from June 20 to September 5.
We are still formalizing our specialty camp offerings and will send out a full preview of camp in a December Scoop! If you have any questions about summer camp, the registration process, or anything else about summer at BDS, please email the summer team—me and Denali Kikuchi—at
– Zach d’Arbeloff, director of summer programs
Reminder: School Photos Now Available
The 2021-22 student and class photos are now available! To sign in to see and/or order photos, please go to Porter Gifford Photography. You will need to enter your email address and the password shared by email to all families last Thursday.
Porter is offering a complimentary 5×7 class photo to families that place an order of at least $30. The coupon code is classphoto and can be entered at checkout. Since changes to orders cannot be made after the fact, it is important to use this code prior to finalizing your order.
Please note:
- Photos are organized by grade. Scroll down to just beneath the all-school collage for the menu bar where you can select your child’s grade. Students are not identified by name.
- Click on a photo’s shopping basket to see the sizes available and their prices.
- You may purchase just one or an assortment of your child’s/children’s photos. Digital versions are also available.
- Purchased photos will be mailed directly to the address you provide during ordering.
- If you have any questions, please contact

Trimester 2 Enrollment Is Now Open
Enrollment for the after school program’s winter trimester is open now through Friday, November 26. You can find after school registration on the Parent Portal. Once on the Parent Portal, click the red button (labeled “Trimester 2 After School Enrollment”) on the right side of the homepage.
Please click the dropdown below for detailed information about the program and registration process. If you have any questions, please contact Blair Fross, director of after school and enrichment programs.
Information on After School Registration
- We are opening enrollment for our winter trimester for students in pre-k through grade 5: Monday through Thursday, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., and Fridays, 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. Additionally, we offer programming for middle school students on Fridays from 12:30 to 5:30 p.m.
- Registration will take place through Veracross. Enrollment opens on Monday, November 8, and closes Friday, November 26.
- Please be aware that once you register your child(ren), your confirmation email will list the line item of Mon-Thu or Friday. Mon-Thu does not mean you are registered for every day. our child will only be enrolled for the days you selected on the registration page. You can confirm your selection during the three-week enrollment period by clicking launch sign-up on the registration page. We highly recommend taking a screenshot after selecting your child’s schedule, so you have a copy for your records. Unfortunately, the specific days you have selected will not show up in the confirmation email. Our tech team has submitted an enhancement request to Veracross so they can address this issue in the future.
- After school enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis. Please be aware we are unable to provide refunds for after school. You can find pricing for the 2021-2022 school year here.
- You must register children individually for the trimester. There is no drop-in after school.
- We are not offering enrichments at this time. We hope to return to our enrichment programs later in the school year.
- Our winter trimester dates are November 29 through March 11. Kindly note in the school calendar dates when there is no programming, and after school closes early. You can also find these details here.
Please reach out if you have any questions regarding our programming to Blair Fross, director of after school and enrichment programs, or Denali Kikuchi, auxiliary programs coordinator.
Pediatric Vaccination Clinic
Our COVID vaccination clinic for 5 to 11-year-olds on Thursday was a huge success! Held in the Barn gym, 167 students, siblings, and staff children were able to receive their first dose of the COVID vaccine, and more than 10 also received a flu shot. Many, many thanks to our partners at Osco Drug for making this possible. Our follow-up clinic for the second dose will be Friday, December 3, from 1 to 6 pm; more details to follow!
Weekly COVID Testing Update
Another week, and another positive case that we’ve caught. Our weekly testing is doing its job! Please see the chart for our testing results to date.

Holiday Travel Guidelines
Returning from Thanksgiving break: This year, there will be no all-school testing required to return from Thanksgiving break. We trust that all families are following our travel guidelines, below. Our routine in-school weekly testing will be held Monday, November 22 before the break and as usual on Wednesday, December 1 when we return.
As we head toward holiday season travel during November and December, we remind you that Belmont Day follows the CDC travel recommendations. Please see the included chart and click here for the latest from the CDC.
If you will be traveling outside of the United States, please learn more about the CDC recommendations for international travel by destination.
Screen Time: How Much Is Too Much?
Screen time is always a hot topic of conversation among parents and teachers. Are you concerned about your child’s screen time? How much is too much? How will you know? There are ways to assess that overall time and strategies for reducing it if needed. Here is a helpful article from our friends at Common Sense Media: 5 Signs of Screen Overload and How to Handle Them
– Dolly Ryan, director of technology

Learning Updates

Arts Update: Fifth Graders Learn Voice Elements
Fifth graders in theater class have been learning about the six elements of voice and vocal projection. Vocal warm-ups were a fun way for students to learn proper breath control and articulation. These set the stage for them to take on challenging tongue twisters. The class next explored the elements of voice (pauses, stressed words, pace, volume, tone, and pitch) while reciting the nursery rhyme, Little Miss Muffet. This week they applied their newly learned vocal skills to color a poem. In small groups, the students worked collaboratively as they decided which elements would most effectively convey the meaning of the poem to their audience. Each group’s performance was unique and engaging!
– Susan Dempsey, theater teacher
PE Update: Return of the Parachutes
With pandemic protocols in place, we tucked our beloved parachutes away for much of last year, as proper parachuting can involve close quarters (remember the igloo?). But this school year the parachute is back in a big way! Several grades have already engaged in the joys and cooperative challenges of this beloved piece of physical education equipment. Even seeing it waiting on the center of the Barn courts is guaranteed to bring a murmur (or shout) of excitement. Some of the favorite games this year have been Cat and Mouse Tag and Scooter Surfing, which involves both the parachute and scooters, the ultimate double whammy. The rainbow fluttering above the BDS logo is a sure sign that good things are happening in PE.
– Alex Tzelnic, physical education teacher

Third Grade Shares Acts of Kindness
The third graders are celebrating World Kindness Day a day early this year! Each student selected at least one Belmont Day faculty or staff member to honor. They either drew a picture to show how that person shows kindness at Belmont Day or they wrote acts of kindness that person has shown to others. To inspire students in their own acts of kindness, we all watched short videos about the Science of Kindness and how kindness can spread from one person to another. World Kindness Day is officially celebrated on November 13. Please enjoy these videos that may inspire you to spread kindness like confetti, too!
– Leigh Twarog and Larissa Rochford ’93, grade 3 teachers
Kindergartners Read Some Very Special Books
This week, kindergartners enjoyed read alouds of books from two very special authors and BDS parents: Libby Nelson and Katie Leeson. While the books vary in topic, they both feature our very own kindergartners, Edie and Maeve, in the illustrations. Kindergartners work each week on their own bookmaking, using booklets with five blank pages, so it was exciting to know that authors can also be people that we know and love. We were inspired by both Brave Maeve and Little Lonely to write extra hard in bookmaking this week.
– Missy Hartvigsen, kindergarten teacher

Athletics Update: Cross Country Finishes Strong with Win over LCA
Last weekend the cross country team traveled out to Devens, Mass. to participate in the State Invitational. Among the hundreds of runners from across the state, the Blue & Gold were easy to spot thanks to their bright gold jerseys, vocal support of their teammates, and strong finishes across all races. In an event that could pose a logistical challenge, Coach Anne Armstrong, as always, had her team dialed in and ready to run. Following the successful showing at States, the team squared off in a dual meet against Lexington Christian Academy on Wednesday afternoon. Behind a dominant 1-2-3 finish by Sam Amaratunga (13:49), Sam Leviton (14:00), and Calder Wilmot (14:14), Belmont Day cruised to an impressive victory in the final meet of the season. In addition to the strong finishes at the top of the score sheet, Oliver Gottesman and Marlon Kasse both saved their best for last, running their best times of the year. Congratulations to the entire cross country team on a memorable season.
– John O’Neill, director of athletics
More Athletics News
- The varsity football team rolled over Carroll to finish the season 5-2-1. Eighth grade classmates Ruby Kokinos and Nikos Axiotis finished their season on a high note and were active on both sides of the ball.
- Owen Bantham-Livermore and Theo Kelman provided a strong defensive presence while Marco Frazzoli-Cassi and Caleb Frehywot did the rest during boys’ soccer’s 2-1 win in their finale against LCA.
- The field hockey team blanked LCA in their final game of the season. Newcomers Olivia Dawson, Fiona Holland, and Nina Cohen-Perlmutter all played well. Avery Schneider and Aleta Sandoski netted their first goals.
- The JV football team finished their season with a win over Park, improving their record to 5-1-1. Bodhi Demers and Ellis Anderson both had big games offensively for the Blue & Gold. Gianni Sqillante shined on D.
- The girls’ soccer team upped their record to 4-5 following a lopsided win over LCA this week. Annika Vital, Alex Kadnar, and Quincy Treisman all popped in their first goals of the season in front of a great home crowd.
- Betel Zewude and Nadia Lomeli had standout performances on the defensive side of the ball in JV soccer’s season finale. The duo cleared the zone effectively all day and helped push the ball upfield.
Parents’ Association News

The virtual BDS Book Fair, hosted this year by Belmont Books, began today, and will run through next Friday, November 19. We hope you will support this beloved PA fundraiser. Belmont Books’ webpage for the book fair is live and they are accepting book fair orders now (please remember to use the code BELMONTDAY2021 at checkout so that a portion of the sale goes to support BDS).
This is a wonderful occasion to buy holiday gifts–or to donate books to the Erskine Library or individual classroom libraries. Wishlists provided by the teachers will be available. Please visit the Book Fair page on the Parent Portal for additional information.
Please mark your calendars for Friday, November 19 when we will have a special in-store shopping event at Belmont Books! A portion of all purchases made between 1 and 6 p.m. will go to BDS. Friends and family can also support BDS by using the code BELMONTDAY2021 when shopping online–or by shopping at Belmont Books on November 19. Please help us spread the word!
Last year a beautiful tradition began in response to community requests to show their gratitude for our faculty. This collection of notes of gratitude can be from your family, a student, or a parent. The note is for faculty as a whole and will be posted on a bulletin board in the main entrance of the Schoolhouse for all to appreciate. You may also upload a drawing from your child to the faculty and it will be posted. Please use this form to submit your responses.
Keep in mind that this is an opportunity to share your heartfelt thank you to those faculty that you’ve connected with. We are grateful for your participation. If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Baker, PA president,
Please click here to view photos of all lost and found items that have been turned in and not yet claimed. If you see an item that belongs to your family, please email Priya Vaidya, chair of the lost and found committee, at to claim your item. Please include the number of the item and a quick description.
If you do not see your missing item, please complete this form and we will do our best to locate the item. If you have any questions, please contact Priya.
Time to start getting out the winter gear for your children! Mabel’s Labels offers an easy solution to keep track of belongings that are easily misplaced and your purchase benefits the Parent’s Association. Label those hats, gloves, winter jackets, and ski gear with a variety of iron-on, stick-on, and stamp label options. For each order placed, the PA earns 20% of the sale total. Visit the Mabel’s Labels website and enter Belmont Day School before ordering. Thank you!
Beyond BDS
Poetry Reading: Joan Naviyuk Kane presents ‘Dark Traffic’
Thursday, November 18 at 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
The poems in Dark Traffic create landmarks through language, by which its speakers begin to describe traumas in order to survive and move through them. With fine detail and observation, these poems work in some way like poetic weirs: readers of Kane’s work will see the arctic and subarctic, but also, more broadly, America, and the exigencies of motherhood, indigenous experience, feminism, and climate crises alongside misogyny, violence, and systemic failures. Joan Naviyuk Kane is Inupiaq, with family from King Island (Ugiuvak) and Mary’s Igloo, Alaska. She is the author of The Cormorant Hunter’s Wife, Hyperboreal, and Milk Black Carbon.
This virtual event is presented by the Cambridge Public Library. Pre-registration is required. Click here for more information and registration.